The brown bear is a well-known and popular teddy bear. The bear is also a real badass and can weigh over 300 kilos if it is a fully grown male! In winter, the bear goes to bed in its den to look forward to the edge of spring.
Brunbjörnen är en välkänd och populär nalle. Björnen är dessutom en riktig bjässe och kan väga över 300 kilo om det rör sig om en fullvuxen hane! På vintern går björnen och lägger sig i sitt ide för att kika fram framåt vårkanten. Läs mer >>
Häng med vår digitala djurvårdare!
Här bor björnhanen Glok och björnhonan Ester. Häng med när vår djurvårdare Caroline berätta om våra brunbjörnar och delar med sig av sina bästa spanartips!
Animal carers' best scouting tips
Hanen Glok gillar att vila i sitt hus med huvudet utanför
Honan Ester gillar att ligga i skuggan
Latin name:Ursus arctos
Order: Predator Family: Björn Weight: 100-300 kg Food: Omnivore. Meat, fish, insects, berries, herbs, roots, ants, ace.
The bear eats most things
Bears are true omnivores and eat a lot of berries (eg blueberries and crowberries) that they find in the forest. The bear also eats other kinds of plants and herbs. In the summer, the bears also hunt prey. The Swedish brown bears mainly get hold of elk and reindeer cubs. The bears Ester and Glok who live in the park are very fond of fruit, such as banana and melon. Honey is also a favorite!
Bears hibernate in winter
Before winter, the bear eats up properly and gains a lot of weight. This is so that the bear can survive a whole winter in the ice, when it neither eats nor drinks. Actually, it is wrong to say that "the bear sleeps" when it goes into ide. The body temperature drops and the heart beats more slowly. A bear can lie in its den for many months, and the bear cubs are born in the meantime in the den. They are born around New Year and weigh only 400 grams as newborns. In the nest they grow, and when they leave the nest together with their mother in the spring, they weigh around 4 kilos.
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Lär dig mer om de nordiska djuren i Skånes Djurpark