Fun autumn adventures with the whole family

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Welcome to a magical autumn fairy tale filled with pumpkins and goblins! During the autumn, there are lovely autumnal family activities in a colorful nature. Carve your very own pumpkin, go on a troll hunt in the deep forest, join the animals on feeding expeditions, climb up on swaying suspension bridges in Expedition UP and meet the animals in their autumn colours. Travel back 70 million years and walk with Dinosaurs and go to an autumn party with friends at Shaun the Sheep Land and go on one (or ten!) fun tractor rides -
watch out for the naughty pigs!

Book your autumn adventure

Autumn party at Fåret Shaun Land


Magiska upplevelser för hela familjen

Biljetter till Höst i Djurparken för er medlemmar i Seko

Boka ett roligt höstäventyr för hela familjen!

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 SEKO22 för din rabatt

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