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Den 5 april kl 09:00


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PRESSMEDDELANDE: Främmande föremål funna under grävarbete på Skånes Djurpark

01-04-22 - 07:36

In connection with the excavation work for the construction of this year's big jubilee news at Skåne Zoo, objects of great historical interest have been found.

- We don't yet know what it is that we have come across in the ground, but it is serious stuff that is not from our time, says Glenn André Viste Bøe, CEO of Skåne Zoo.

In June this year, it will be 70 years since Skåne Zoo opened for the first time. The park is a cornerstone of Scanian culture, and in that spirit the big news is now being built, which is planned to open for the region's families with children in the summer of 2022.

- It is too early to start speculating on whether the find will affect our ability to open the news. Right now, all construction is on hold while we wait for the scientific investigation. We have contacted the relevant authorities and the investigation will begin on Monday, says Glenn André Viste Bøe.

The park has also been in contact with specialists at Lund University. Erika Rosengren is a PhD student in Historical Osteology and an expert on bones and skeletons;

- It sounds like an incredibly exciting find that Skåne Zoo has made. I look forward to finding out more over the next week.

It is not the first time that bargains have been made with the 70-year-old jubilee. In 2015, the County Administrative Board decided on an archaeological investigation, when the farm environment around Väntinge Gård, the houses that were Scania Zoo's first buildings, was renovated.

Skåne Zoo plans to return with further information on April 5.

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